Teflarok: Game of the Gods


Not currently available

Age: 13+
Players: 3-9 (with 2 player variants)
Time: 30-90 mins

Across the Bifrost bridge, the gods of Asgard await Ragnarok, the final battle, their inescapable fate. But what do the gods do in their downtime? Why, play Teflarok of course! It is the game of the gods after all. Now you get the chance to play as one of the gods. Collecting and casting magical runes that determine the fate of all mortals, best your friends in a game of strategy, vying for the most power.

The game centers around a unique silent bidding process that allows you to either get the Rune cards you need or gain more Power tokens. Use your Runes to complete your Words of Power, which gain you even more Power tokens. The player with the most Power at the end of the game wins! Nine unique player screens let you play as one of the Norse gods. In the base game it does not matter which god you play as.

Download the free expansion to give each of the gods special abilities! We also have a new 2-Player variant with a dummy that you can read about and download the rules for here. Print and cut out these inserts to help you get the components out of the box. See more storage suggestions here.

Game Contents

(click images to enlarge)

8 Unique Common Rules (8 of each)
64 common rune cards in a deck of 144 rune cards total. Collect Runes to make your Words or auction them off to other players.

8 Unique Rare Runes (6 of each)
48 rare rune cards in the deck.

8 Unique Legendary Runes (4 of each)
32 legendary rune cards in the deck.

84 Unique Words of Power
13 denominations ranging from 60 to 240 Power. Collect the runes shown on your Words to get the Power Tokens shown at the bottom.

9 Unique Player Screens
The player screen lets you play as a Norse god, hides your tokens from the other players, and has game reminders on the back.

208 Power Tokens & 4 Cloth Bags
7 denominations: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, & 200. Use your tokens wisely to get the Rune cards you need. The player with the most Power Tokens at the end of the game wins.

Related Info & Products

Game Overview with Photos
Abilities Expansion (free download)
Dummy 2-Player Variant (free download)
Box Insert Templates (free download)
Tabletop Simulator (free digital version)
Storage Suggestions
Rune Stickers
God Stickers

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Game Design & Art: Kier Heilman
Writing & Production: Gael Pitcairn
Manufacturer: PrintNinja, LLC in Shenzhen, China
Designed in Seattle, WA
Teflarok® is a registered trademark of Heilcairn Creations, LLC
© 2018